
some footprints in cyberspace

Main stuff…

  • my blog, a place where I write thoughts, ideas, opinions…
  • Smartapps, a company I co-founded, specializing in the development of mobile applications (and broadcast/geolocalization solutions) for the cultural sector and museums
  • Apple Store Refurb alerts, a web service I developped wich provides e-mail alerts and RSS feeds enabling you to track new products on the Apple Store Refurb websites
  • photo+addiction, this is my photoblog, a kind of photo gallery where I post daily pictures
  • my curriculum vitæ

Older and partially not maintained any more…

  • my photo gallery, this a gallery with many pictures coming from various trips around the world (Nepal, Kenya, Brazil, Malaysia, China, Iran, Morocco, Canary Islands…)
  • gMapMaker, makes OziExplorer compatible maps (merged image + .map calibration file) from Google Map tile images (satellite, hybrid, driving maps)
  • Media Feed Screen Saver, a screen saver that downloads pictures from an RSS feed and displays them in a slideshow way
  • my compressor - Zzip - , a compression tool (under LGPL license) - using the BWT - I developped some years ago
  • my raid sport team : Easy Raider, with whom I raced several Raid SFR and one Raid Total Centrale
  • India-Nepal 1999, the story of trip to India and Nepal - in french - (Summer 1999)
  • my results in running (stats, rankings)… but I think I’m the only one interested in this page ;-)